New London

Local Schools


New London Local Schools News Article

CLSD Snow Day Procedures

Student safety is always our top priority in Chardon Schools. Today, the region received its first blast of winter weather and along with it questions about school closing in the event of dangerous conditions.

The decision to call off school due to inclement weather begins at approximately 3:30 AM and includes analysis of the following information:

  • Weather and radar reports
  • Personal observation
  • Input from local law enforcement and road crews
  • Input from district maintenance and snow removal staff
  • When necessary, school personnel drive the roads to determine the condition
  • Input and discussions with superintendents from neighboring districts

When all of this information is gathered, the Superintendent, Business Manager, and Transportation Supervisor jointly make the decision to close the schools or keep them open for students. Our objective is to make this decision no later than 5:45 AM as school buses are beginning to depart for their morning runs at that time.

School closing information is available to parents through a direct reporting system to local media outlets including Channels 3, 5, 8, 19, 43, and G-TV Channel 22, as well as the major radio stations WMJI, WMMS, WGAR, WTAM, etc. It is strongly suggested that parents subscribe to the text/email notification systems now offered by the major Cleveland television stations in order to receive school closing information as soon as it is entered into the system.

School closing notification will also be posted on the Chardon Local School District website http://www.chardonschools.org/ and the district’s Twitter feed www.twitter.com/ChardonSchools and through an alert message issued through the district’s Blackboard Connect system.

Again, safety is our highest priority and we strive to make the best possible decision with the information available at the time. Please understand that there will be occasions when inclement weather comes late in the morning and forecasts change abruptly, which makes the determination of school closing in our area very challenging at times. Parents can always choose to keep their children home, if they truly feel there is a weather-related safety risk. These absences will be recorded as excused, with make-up work provided to the student, if the Superintendent designates the day as a Severe Weather Day in the school district.

Please do not hesitate to contact the district if you require additional information in this regard.


Michael P. Hanlon, Jr., Ph.D.


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